Next up was our audiologist. We sat in his office for at least an hour listening to our options and how hearing aids and other amplification devices work. All the while, Miss Izzy stayed over by a table with all of the demo aids. She would pick one and try to put it in her ear. Then move to the next one and repeat the process. She knew what to do without us having to show her. I suppose that is a sign that Izzy already recognizes her own needs. Funny how things work out that way.
Finally, Izzy had a very important decision to make. Which color? Of course, while wearing her Spiderman shirt, she chose pink! Her aids, tubes, and molds will all be a light, girly shade of pink. :)
Our audiologist explained that her molds can last up to a year, depending on how much she grows, of course. Each set of molds is around $150. The aids can last up to five years and sometimes even longer. Since we are not sure if Izzy's hearing will change significantly over the next few years, the aids we chose will allow for changes up to 20 decibels, which is a very significant difference. The great news? We get a comprehensive warranty! Plus, we can get these babies insured, which we will. They are so tiny. I can just imagine them slipping off Izzy's ears, falling to the floor, and either being lost forever or being trampled to the point of nonrecognition. So, a "kid kit" is in order, too. She will have some sort of device that attaches to both aids to ensure if they do fall out of her ears, they won't crash to the floor.
The best part of the visit - at least from this momma's perspective - was our incredible doctor. He took the extra time to look at and explain Izzy's old records from her hearing screening just after she was born. Also, he filled out a lengthy form and wrote a letter to complete our grant applications for HIKE Fund, Inc. and for United Healthcare Children's Foundation. Instead of kicking us out at 5:00, we shut the place down around 5:20, which means he spent yet another two hours with us. This man is earning his pay, but he is worth every penny. We are so fortunate to have a doctor who understands that we have no idea what we are doing! Fortunately, not only does our doctor understand because this is his profession, but also his son experiences the same type of hearing loss as Izzy. Again, funny how these things work out.
So, this was a big day for us. Now, we'll wait for a few more weeks to get Izzy's pink hearing aids. I know that will be a big day for us, too. I can't wait to see the changes in her hearing and communication.
To all of you who have donated and/or shared our story, THANK YOU! Randy and I are so humbled to have such amazing support from family, friends, and even complete strangers. Bless each of you! We are almost halfway to our goal! Wow! If you are local to Northeast TN, don't forget our Cupcakes for Izzy raffle!
Here is a look at Izzy getting her casts made for her molds. Even the putty was pink!

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